Blanchet Garneau, A., Bélisle, M., Lavoie, P., Laurent-Sédillot, C. (2021)
Integrating equity and social justice for Indigenous peoples in undergraduate health professions education in Canada: a framework from a critical review of literature.International Journal for Equity in Health. 20, Article 123.
Fournier, C, Blanchet Garneau, A., Pepin, J. (2021).
Understanding the expanded nursing role in Indigenous communities: a qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Management.
Taha, S*., Blanchet Garneau, A., Bernard, L. (2020)
Nursing practice with LGBTQ+ older adults: A scoping review/Une revue de la portée sur la pratique infirmière auprès des personnes issues de la diversité sexuelle et de genre.Recherche en Soins infirmiers.140, 29-56.
Varcoe, C., Browne, A.J., Blanchet Garneau, A. (2019).
Beyond stress and coping: Critical theoretical contributions to conceptualizing racial discrimination for health research.Health Sociology Review. 28(3): 245-260.
Blanchet Garneau, A., Browne, A.J., Varcoe, C. (2019).
Understanding competing discourses as a basis for promoting equity in primary health care. BMC-Health Services Research.19: 764.
Varcoe, C., Bungay, V., Browne, A. J., Wilson, E., Wathen, C. N., Kolar, K., Perrin, N.m Comber, S.,Blanchet Garneau, A., Byres, D., Black, A., Price, E. R. (2019).
EQUIP emergency: study protocol for an organizational intervention to promote equity in health care.BMC health services research. 19(1): 1-14.
Browne, A.J., Varcoe, C., Ford-Gilboe, M., Wathen, N.C., Smye, V., Jackson, B.E., Wallace, W., Pauly, B., Herbert, C.; Wong, S.T., Blanchet Garneau, A. (2018).
Disruption as Opportunity: Impacts of an Organizational-level Health Equity Intervention in Primary Care Clinics.International Journal for Equity in Health.17, 154
Blanchet Garneau, A., Browne, A.J., Varcoe, C. (2017).
Drawing on antiracist approaches toward a critical anti- discriminatory pedagogy for nursing, Nursing Inquiry, 25(1): e12211.
Blanchet Garneau, A., Lavoie, P., Grondin, M. (2017).
Dichotomy and dialogue in conceptualizations of competency in health professionals’ education, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7, p. 18-26.
Blanchet Garneau, A., Farrar, H., Fan, H.Y., Kulig, J. (2017).
Applying cultural safety beyond Indigenous contexts: Insights from health research with Amish and Low-German Mennonites, Nursing Inquiry, 25(1).
Blanchet Garneau, A., Pepin, J. (2012)
Cultural safety: a concept analysis [French]. Recherche en Soins Infirmiers, 111, 22-35.
Published contributions to a collective work
RCAAQ (2021)
Framework for Research by and for Urban Indigenous People in Quebec [French]
Framework of Strategies for Nursing Education to Respond to the Calls to Action of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission /Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (ACESI-CASN).
Pepin, J. Blanchet Garneau, A., Fournier, C. (2017)
Competencies framework of Québec First Nations communities nurses.