

CRASIQ Lunch & Learn series : Culture for Wellness: Community Informed Culturally Relevant Treatment Strategies for Anishinabe Youth

Quebec Indigenous Research Chair in Nursing is pleased to invite you to our next CRASIQ Lunch & Learn series



Quebec Indigenous Research Chair in Nursing is pleased to invite you to our next CRASIQ Lunch & Learn series.

On Thursday, November 24th , from 12pm to 1 p.m., we invite you to the conference entitled “Culture for Wellness: Community Informed Culturally Relevant Treatment Strategies for Anishinabe Youth ” presented by one of our grantees, Julianne Dumont. The conference will be presented in English, but you are welcome to ask questions in French or English.



Given the growing reclamation efforts for culture actively occurring within communities combined with the rise in critique of mainstream treatment approaches, my research seeks to actively explore the explanatory mechanisms that link cultural connectedness with resiliency trajectories. Informed by my master’s research, my doctoral project will identify strategies to promote cultural connectedness among Anishinabeg youth. Study 1 will explore cultural connectedness as a protective factor for youth mental health. Study 2 will assess mental health access, barriers, and needs within the community using a qualitative approach. Last, Study 3 will investigate the efficacy of culturally relevant treatment strategies consisting of land-based healing methods and cognitive behavioral therapy. The studies will inform academic literature and mainstream health care practices on culturally relevant treatment strategies from an Anishinabeg paradigm. Altogether, the hope is to encourage health care providers to be more culturally aware and competent when working with Anishinabe peoples.

To register and attend the conference, please click here: https://umontreal.zoom.us/meeting/register/ tZcude6opjkvGtZ9LP2xQ56FLMwWXKNDSxPy